We need to hear from President Biden about UFOs/UAP!

Since the landmark article in the December 16, 2017 publication of the New York Times, we have seen a profound evolution toward today’s UFO/UAP narrative. What initially began as a modest but official government admission that “UFOs/UAP are real, but we don’t know what they are” has transformed into recent statements from credible, high-ranking government officials like intel officer Col. David Grusch and Rear Admiral Tim Gallaudet who are now claiming that our government possesses intact craft, “numbering in the double digits”, that stem from a non-human intelligence (NHI).

Has President Biden been informed, to the fullest extent possible, about UFOs (UAP)? We don’t really know what President Biden has been briefed on regarding UFOs because he has been completely and inappropriately silent about this topic. This is concerning because, according to retired U.S. Navy Rear Admiral Tim Gallaudet, “we are in contact with non-human intelligence” (NHI). Rear Admiral Gallaudet is a graduate of the U.S. Naval Academy, he was the chief meteorologist for the U.S. Navy, and he was a previous Administrator of the National Oceanographic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA). We can assume that Gallaudet would not be making the claims we hear in this video unless he knows, for a fact, that U.S. military pilots are experiencing contact with craft stemming from a non-human intelligence – i.e., aliens.

The Schumer-Rounds Amendment is down but not out.

Some say the historic “Schumer-Rounds Amendment” to the National Defense Authorization Act of 2024, also known as The UAP Disclosure Act of 2023, would not have been written as it was without direct input from the Biden administration. I concur! Given that amendment’s multiple references to recovered non-human craft and technologies of non-human origin stemming from a “non-human intelligence” (this is mentioned 22 times in the original Senate amendment), and “Legacy (aerospace) Programs” (think Lockheed-Martin, Raytheon, Radiance Technologies, Boeing, and others) involved in reverse-engineering those technologies, it seems certain that President Biden would have been consulted about the aims, structure, and content of the amendment prior to its passage by a bipartisan vote in the U.S. Senate. No other topic enjoys such bipartisan support in Congress as the issue of UFO/UAP Disclosure! However, we have not heard a single word uttered by President Biden about UFOs/UAP and the non-human intelligence behind them. That has to change. With UFOs/UAP the cat is out of the bag, so to speak, and we cannot have a leader holding the highest office of our nation who remains unwilling to talk about this!

A sampling of one paragraph of the 64-page Schumer-Rounds amendment.

Unfortunately, that Schumer-Rounds Amendment as written and as passed by a bipartisan vote in the Senate met with obstruction in the House of Representatives. Specifically, Representatives Mike Turner (R-OH-10), Mike Rogers (R-AL-3), and Senator Mitch McConnell (R-KY) created an effective barrier to the passage of the UAP Disclosure Act of 2023 as it was originally written which, otherwise, enjoyed widespread support among other members of the House of Representatives. Apparently, these men value the campaign contributions they receive from the aerospace industry more than they value truth and transparency about UFOs/UAP coming from our government to the American people. Hopefully, voters in Ohio, Alabama, and Kentucky will keep this mind when these men come up for re-election. We must make UFO/UAP Disclosure an election issue!

The thin silver lining.

Despite this legislative failure, yesterday, on December 14, 2023, less efficacious but still significant UFO/UAP legislation was passed by the both the House and Senate that will be included in the NDAA 2024. That legislation establishes a historical UFO/UAP records collection within the National Archives, pending President Biden’s signature. Unfortunately, decisions regarding which records must be submitted to the National Archives UFO/UAP collection will be left to the same government entities that have been covering up the UFO/UAP reality for decades! Unfortunately, under the amendment that was passed, there will be no nine-members, presidentially appointed, independent citizens review board with the power of subpoena that was originally included in the Senate version of the UAP Disclosure Act of 2023.

For a detailed account of the “watered down” UFO/UAP language that was passed and will be included in the NDAA 2024, and a comparison of what might have been if not for the obstruction presented by Turner, Rodgers, and McConnell, I refer you to this well-researched article written by Douglas Dean Johnson.

When we listen to this colloquy (below) between Senator Schumer and Senator Rounds that transpired on the floor of the Senate yesterday, we can know that we still have reason to hope that many of our representatives in Congress, both Democrat and Republican, will continue the fight for more truth and transparency from our government regarding UFOs/UAP. It is critical that this happen! What we will discover through the reverse-engineering of these advanced, non-human UFO/UAP craft and technologies will help solve some of the serious problems confronting our civilization today. Therefore, these materials must be made available to the world’s broader scientific community. The hoarding of these materials by our government for over eight decades for the purpose of developing more advanced weapons must be condemned as unethical, short-sighted, and contrary to the well-being and progress of our global human family. How much money has been spent on these UFO reverse-engineering programs is unknown but could, by now, number in the trillions of dollars. And all of this spending has happened without the slightest bit of input or oversight coming from our elected representatives in Congress! This situation must change.

The New Paradigm Institute

Attorney Daniel Sheehan is strategizing a path to litigate our way toward UFO/UAP Disclosure. Any plan to accelerate UFO/UAP Disclosure is a good thing. His plan is to accomplish this through a nonprofit organization called The New Paradigm Institute (NPI). In the video below, Mr. Sheehan implores those who recognize the compelling need for truth and transparency about UFOs/UAP from our government to utilize a tool available on the NPI website. This tool allows you to easily forward a pre-written letter you will find there to your representatives in Congress. This letter will let your representatives in Congress know that you want Congress to hold additional open Congressional hearings through which approximately 40 UFO/UAP whistleblowers (who are already waiting in the wings) can give their testimony before Congress. This will allow them to tell Congress and the American people, under oath, some of what they know about the legacy programs they have been involved in and that presently exist within the miliary-industrial complex that are attempting to reverse-engineer recovered non-human crafts and technologies. HERE IS THE LINK to add your voice. Please do this.

How these craft, allegedly numbering in the double digits, came to be in the possession of our government is another question the answer to which we all have a Need to Know!

Thanks for reading!

About Dr. Richard O'Connor, M.D.

I am a retired anesthesiologist who worked closely with Dr. Jesse A. Marcel, Jr., M.D. at St. Peter's Hospital in Helena, MT. When Dr. Marcel told me of his experience as a first-hand eyewitness to the debris from a crashed UFO his father recovered near Roswell in 1947, I knew his story had to be true. Why? Because I am 100% certain that Dr. Marcel was never a liar.
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