Kona Blue Documents Declassified!

UFO debunkers can read these and weep. Documents concerning a proposed 2011 UFO studies program named Kona Blue have been declassified and have been published on the AARO website. The documents, along with some highlights (RKOs), are shown below. What is ironic is that the Kona Blue program’s proposal would utilize human observers and remote viewers in its UFO data collection process, despite the public being repeatedly admonished over decades that human beings cannot be trusted to be reliable observers of UFOs! Apparently, that was all baloney and was a facet of the counterintelligence strategy to cover-up the reality of UFOs and the non-human intelligence behind them. We continue to push forward!

Congress needs to bring Dr. Tara O’Toole, Mr. Joel Wall, and Mr. Steven Cover to the witness stand to obtain their testimony about their involvement in Kona Blue.

About Dr. Richard O'Connor, M.D.

I am a retired anesthesiologist who worked closely with Dr. Jesse A. Marcel, Jr., M.D. at St. Peter's Hospital in Helena, MT. When Dr. Marcel told me of his experience as a first-hand eyewitness to the debris from a crashed UFO his father recovered near Roswell in 1947, I knew his story had to be true. Why? Because I am 100% certain that Dr. Marcel was never a liar.
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