For the Umpteenth Time…

“He stated that the United States was in possession of a craft of unknown origin and had successfully gained access to its interior.”

The above quote is taken from the beginning of Chapter 9 in the recently published book Inside the U.S. Government Covert UFO Program: Initial Revelations. The book’s title uses the words “UFO Program” (not UAP). We are talking real UFOs here.

On the book’s cover the intense light the three wise men are staring upwards at reminds me of a “snow angel”. Maybe it even fits the description of a “real” angel (I’ve never seen one before and don’t believe anyone else has either) except that, if you look really closely, it appears there is a faint, disc-shaped luminescence from which the bright light is emanating.

In 2023 we all know “artificial” light can be produced by the glow of incandescent lamps, arc welders, excited halogen gas filled bulbs, and even light emitting diodes (LEDs) rather than only by natural causes like the sun, the stars, lightning, or fire. Nowadays we can understand things from a much different perspective than our ancient ancestors were able to. Today we can recognize technology when we see it, and we understand the seemingly miraculous effects technology can produce when applied to a task. A task, for example, like transportation. Or to weapons, like lasers. What have those boys in the backrooms of our U.S. government been up to?

What did our ancestors think when they saw this in the sky? Painting titled The Baptism of Christ by Aert de Gelder, 1710.

The 72-year-old PhD physicist who made (and also penned) this statement quoted above is Dr. James T. Lacatski, PhD who, in August 2008, became Director of the Advanced Aerospace Weapons Systems Applications Program (AAWSAP), administered and funded through the US Defense Intelligence Agency (DIA). The AAWSAP was initiated and funded in 2008 by Senators Harry Reid, Daniel Inouye, and Ted Stevens and was tasked to study, characterize, categorize, and create an extensive database surrounding UAP/UFOs. Thirty-eight research papers called Defense Intelligence Research Documents (“DIRDs”) came out of that 2 year, $22 million AAWSAP effort. Those DIRDs can be found on Google Drive. Several of them address how we are going to replicate observed UFO performance characteristics over the next 50 years.

Below, we hear Dr. Lacatski double down on his sensational admission during this important interview with journalists Jeremy Corbell and George Knapp in their recent (10/17/2023) podcast called Weaponized. The entire interview can be seen HERE. If you don’t want to watch to the entire interview, then just listen to this shorter clip of Dr. Lacatski’s response to Corbell’s question:

Dr. Lacatski says it here! The U.S. has recovered a non-human UFO.

But we have known about a crashed and recovered UFO since the Roswell UFO crash that occurred in July 1947!

The public was first told about a crashed and recovered UFO craft in 1978 by Major Jesse A. Marcel, Sr. His revelation was followed by exactly the same claim made by his son, Roswell eyewitness Dr. Jesse A. Marcel, Jr., M.D., who also inspected and physically handled the Roswell UFO crash debris. I knew Dr. Marcel well and I promise you he was not a liar. Their stories marked the beginning of controlled UFO Disclosure.

Then, around 1988, physicist Bob Lazar came forward as a whistleblower, stating he had worked on reverse engineering a recovered non-human UFO at Area 51’s Site 4 (S4) that he referred to as “The Sport Model”. This was one of several recovered non-human UFO craft that Lazar personally witnessed over the 6 months he worked at Area 51. Lazar claimed that craft was powered by an antimatter reactor fueled by (nonexistent at that time) element 115 in the periodic table of elements. Years later, 2003 to be exact, element 115 was synthesized in Dubna, Russia and was given the name Moscovium. Interestingly, Lazar was not hounded out of the country as other whistleblowers like Edward Snowden or Julian Assange have been. My guess is this is because Lazar has been playing an officially sanctioned role in a decades-long program of controlled UFO Disclosure. In Lazar’s case, the strategy used was to tell the people the truth and then smear the messenger, thereby creating a decades-long debate about Lazar’s credibility that has still not been resolved.

In 1999 Col. Phillip Corso published his book The Day After Roswell in which he claimed he personally distributed recovered wreckage from the “crashed”, non-human Roswell UFO craft to various major US scientific laboratories in an effort to accelerate U.S. military acquisition of non-human UFO technologies. Corso claimed that the development of lasers, night vision optics, fiberoptics, and certain “super-tenacity fibers” like Kevlar were all accelerated by the scientific study of those recovered Roswell UFO debris. Although Col. Corso passed away not long after his book was published, he, too, was never hunted into exile by the U.S. government for revealing classified information about Roswell. More controlled UFO Disclosure.

In 2007 Apollo astronaut Dr. Edgar Mitchell stated publicly on Karang Radio that he was informed that the July 1947 Roswell UFO crash did happen . A crashed UFO along with non-human alien bodies was recovered. As you can hear below and for the rest of his life Dr. Mitchell continued to advocate for UFO Disclosure. Dr. Mitchell’s coming out was an important step in controlled UFO Disclosure.

Apollo astronaut Dr. Edgar Mitchell discusses his feelings about the UFO cover-up.

In 2017 Luis Elizondo, the previous Director of AAWSAP’s follow-on program, the Advanced Aerospace Threat Identification Program (AATIP), revealed that his program was involved in researching UAP/UFOs and “metamaterials” derived from non-human UFO craft that he further stated “would be very, very expensive to replicate.” Around the same time, we began hearing the same story from previous Deputy Undersecretary of Defense for Intelligence Christopher Mellon who corroborated all of Elizondo’s claims. Elizondo has written a book that is presently undergoing a Defense Office Prepublication Security Review (DOPSR). Elizondo’s book will conceivably be the culmination of all information the public will be allowed to know about UFOs and the non-human intelligence behind them for the time being as it will be the next big step in controlled UFO Disclosure. Apparently, the Executive Branch of our government determines what you and I are allowed to know about our reality and when we can know it. Once again, take note that neither of these two men, Elizondo nor Mellon, have been imprisoned for making their claims about highly classified U.S. government programs involving UFOs. More controlled UFO Disclosure.

In December 2020 an article appeared in the Israeli newspaper Yediot Aharanot summarizing an interview with Israeli Brigadier General Dr. Haim Eshed. In Israel this man carries a status comparable to that of General Dwight Eisenhower in the U.S. in the 1950s. That is to say he is very highly respected in Israel. He wrote a book titled The Universe Over the Horizon, published only in Hebrew. In that book Eshed stated that the U.S. has engaged in diplomatic relations with ETs for many years and has reached agreements with a group of ETs he calls The Galactic Federation. He also stated that U.S. military special forces are involved in staffing an underground military base on Mars while working side-by-side with ETs. Throughout the UFO cover-up, real information has been presented alongside false information in order to confuse the public about what to believe. That’s how they have done it. This has been an ongoing strategy in controlled UFO Disclosure.

In July 2021 Australian journalist Ross Coulthart published the book In Plain Sight in which he wrote that, during his telephone interview with previous Director of U.S. Naval Research Nat Kobitz, Kobitz admitted that a program to reverse engineer recovered, non-human UFOs did exist. Kobitz declined to reveal just how many such programs have in the past or still do exist, but he stated it was more than one. Controlled UFO Disclosure.

Then, on July 26, 2023, senior intelligence officer Lt. Col. David Grusch testified before Congress, under solemn oath, that he knew, for a fact, that the U.S. Department of Defense (DoD) had “quite a few” recovered non-human UFO craft in its possession and had been working with private military contractors for decades to reverse engineer those recovered UAP/UFOs. Lt. Col. Grusch is still walking around as a free man. He is faithfully playing his role in controlled UFO Disclosure. Rumor has it that he will soon be meeting with certain members of Congress in a Sensitive Compartmented Information Facility (SCIF) to discuss all of the still classified information he was not at liberty to divulge during the Congressional hearing.

And now we have Dr. Lacatski who was the Director of the AAWSAP program telling us the very same story – that the DoD is in possession of a non-human UFO craft and has gained access to its interior. Lacatski makes it clear that his statement was put through the Defense Office Prepublication Security Review (DOPSR) process. Surprisingly, his momentous statement was approved by the DOPSR and, to date, he has revealed as much information as he has been given permission to confess at the present. Do you want to know more about this? I know I do because, by now, there should be zero doubt that what he has told us is true!

How many times do people need to hear these claims made by extremely credible individuals who have worked within the most highly compartmented, inner sanctums of our government before they not only believe it, but begin to take personal action to determine just how deep this all goes? Do we really have a diplomatic relationship with The Galactic Federation? Do we really have U.S. troops on Mars? Does the U.S. have a Secret Space Program?

More cards on the table please. What I would now like to know.

So, UFOs are real. They are of non-human origin. We are not alone. The American public has been deliberately deceived about these facts for almost 80 years. A lot of money has been spent not only on reverse engineering UFOs, but also on disparaging them to maintain the “secrecy”. These are now established facts that carry extremely important implications. But there remains much that we need to know!

  • Obviously, who are they, where did they evolve, how long have they been here, and what are their intentions? Are they human time travelers from our future? Are UFOs actually “time machines”?
  • What, if anything, has been learned through the reverse engineering of non-human UFO energy systems/powerplants that could be immediately applied toward reducing our consumption of carbon-based fuels for energy and thereby ameliorating global climate change?
  • Are “UFO crashes” truly inadvertent accidents, or is our U.S. military (and those of other nations) secretly involved in a hot war with extraterrestrials? If this is the case, shouldn’t all world citizens be informed about this?
  • If the U.S. military is shooting down UFOs, what is the justification for this? Would such actions place all of us at risk without us even knowing?
  • If UFOs were not being shot down, then how would the DoD and/or aerospace companies know when and where to quickly locate them in order to recover them? Conclusion: UFOs are being shot down until proven otherwise.
  • If private aerospace companies have, as some have alleged, paid for the missions involved in the recovery of downed UFO craft, did those dollars come from U.S. taxpayers through lucrative aerospace corporation’s contracts with the DoD? If so, shouldn’t those craft belong to tax paying U.S. citizens and rightfully fall under a claim of eminent domain by the U.S. government as mandated in The UAP Disclosure Act of 2023?
  • How should citizens react if they find themselves in close proximity to a non-human UFO? What distance should they keep? Do we act friendly, or run like hell?
  • Why have ETs disabled both U.S. and Russian nuclear weapons on multiple occasions at multiple locations and how has our DoD characterized these events? How has the DoD responded to these events? How many times has this happened? When was the last time it happened? According to Senator Harry Reid, these nuclear weapons related events are common. If these events are common, does this (among other reasons) render our nuclear weapons basically useless? If our nuclear weapons are useless, why do we continue spending limited financial resources to support and enhance our bloated stockpiles of nuclear weapons? Are the U.S. DoD and other nuclear armed countries holding the Earth as a hostage against an ET invasion with our nuclear weapons? If so, what is the justification for this?
  • Given what is shown in Aert De Gelder’s painting from 1710 shown above, what have these non-humans and the UFOs they operate had to do with the dogmas and mythologies of our Abrahamic and Hindu religions? Might they be the source in having heavily influenced the perceptions and beliefs of our ancestors?
  • Given that accounts of alien abductions are almost certainly real, what is the purpose behind these abductions which consistently involve the harvesting of human sexual gametes? Did aliens have anything to do with the creation of our species through the genetic engineering of a naturally evolved Earth primate? Is that inconvenient truth (if that’s what it is) mankind’s inborn “original sin”, a genetic heritage that fuels our evidently innate hostility and aggression and one we can neither deny, escape, nor seemingly be able to suppress?
  • How many different races of ETs are we encountering on Earth? This question stems from Dr. Lacatski’s mention of numerous different configurations of UFOs (even one “like the Jetsons”) that are included in the official AAWSAP database. Listen to Jesse Roestenberg’s recollection of a “Jetsons”-like UFO that hovered over her house:
  • Dr. Lacatski states that all of this has been kept classified because the U.S. is “surrounded by enemies.” How long will the human race continue to not only tolerate, but nurture, these imposed international disputes that are conceived and prosecuted by right-wing profiteers with a military mindset who are always willing to send your kids off to war? Why is “love thy neighbor as thy self” so difficult for human beings to understand and implement?
  • In keeping all of this information classified for almost 8 decades, how much has been spent in both taxpayer dollars and government man-hours to maintain UFO “secrecy”? What social effects has this had and continues to have on the fabric of our society and other societies around the world?
  • Is it known whether cattle mutilations are being perpetrated by some group of extraterrestrials? This is almost certainly the case and, if this is so, has it been determined for what purpose these absurd acts of extreme violence continue to be perpetrated upon innocent animals that have no stake or say in what is happening? What is the point, if this has ever been determined?
  • Finally, have crop circles also been a targeted casualty of our government’s disinformation campaign to hide the reality of UFOs and ET visitors? I strongly suspect this is so and will point the skeptic to several crop circles that defy a human explanation for their creation.

Our civilization is presently confronting several existential crises – global climate change, a rapidly dwindling fresh water supply, human overpopulation, mass extinctions, and the escalating likelihood of a nuclear WW III. Solutions to each of these problems will not come from our typical “business as usual” thinking or actions. Full UFO Disclosure will usher in a new renaissance in our thinking that can more effectively address these issues from an entirely new perspective – one centered on the fact that we are not alone.

Crop Circles – more evidence that we are not alone.

In Part II of the book UFOs, Nuclear Weapons, and a New Age of Reason you will find analyses of several crop circles that, for the reasons presented in the book, cannot be written off as mischievous pranks of humans using ropes and boards. You will find the e-book format much easier to access the many hyperlinked references.

Did you know there was a crop circle that presented to all of mankind this message: “Beware the bearers of false gifts and their broken promises. Much pain but still time. Believe. There is good out there. We oppose deception. Conduit closing.” Read about this crop circle and what its message may mean in this book available HERE from Amazon.

Please support Steve and Karen Alexander in their mission to photographically document every crop circle that occurs in the U.K. Go to their website Temporary Temples and make a donation. The crop circles are going to prove to be very important as all of this drama plays out. They have not realized their time yet, but their time is coming with full UFO Disclosure.

About Dr. Richard O'Connor, M.D.

I am a retired anesthesiologist who worked closely with Dr. Jesse A. Marcel, Jr., M.D. at St. Peter's Hospital in Helena, MT. When Dr. Marcel told me of his experience as a first-hand eyewitness to the debris from a crashed UFO his father recovered near Roswell in 1947, I knew his story had to be true. Why? Because I am 100% certain that Dr. Marcel was never a liar.
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