Crop Circles

Fact: We have been living under a UFO cover-up for 76 years and counting, so…

Goodbye Crop Circles!

Crop circles have been another casualty of the mendacious and malignant UFO cover-up. Can this be proven? Not yet, but when you take a deep dive into crop circles, you begin to realize it’s a hypothesis well worth considering. Many crop circles feature beautiful geometric designs but some crop circles, a precious few, operate on a whole different level. Those are the ones that are really interesting. Those are the ones we need to focus on.

With the UFO/UAP cover-up in full swing during the late 1980s, suddenly crop circles began mysteriously appearing in increasing numbers in crop fields around the world. The public was beginning to take a keen interest in this newest phenomenon, and lots of people began asking lots of questions. Who is doing this? Why are they doing it? How are these incredible works of landscape art made? What do the crop circles mean? Why are they created anonymously? How is it they are almost always created in the darkness of night?

Farmers in the UK were becoming increasingly annoyed with this obvious trespass onto their land and the destruction of their hard work (and still are today). The farmers want to see something done about crop circles to stop them from happening, but British authorities have been completely ineffective in preventing their happening or in apprehending the perpetrators. With the aerial drones and watchdog canines and even satellite surveillance available today, one would think that there would be some means to identify and apprehend human vandals who create crop circles over 7000 times! But that hasn’t happened.

Conclusion: It is not humans using ropes and boards who are responsible for creating the vast majority of crop circles. A few, yes, but only a few. Those are the crop circles that created and have sustained the illusion. They are not the ones that are interesting.

The rising public interest in crop circles in the late 1980s did not escape the “Five Eyes” notice of the UFO secret-keepers. They knew then, as they still know today, that some of the crop circles were being sent to mankind as gifts or messages from the non-human intelligence (NHI) we are simply calling “The Others”. If the secret-keepers were going to keep the reality of UFOs and the existence of The Others away from public awareness, then they had to extinguish any public interest in crop circles as well, and they had to do this quickly and completely. Doug Bower, Dave Chorley, and then a host of other self-proclaimed “circlemakers” entered the picture. Together, these men effectively destroyed the credibility of crop circles in the eyes of the public. History will judge them accordingly.

Early on they called themselves Team Satan, then Circlemakers. They set up a website ( They trash-talked the work of sincere crop circle researchers like Lucy Pringle and Nancy Talbot. To create the perfect illusion, they filmed themselves creating a crop circle at night. They did everything necessary to create the false impression that they were the ones responsible for creating all of the crop circles, boots on the ground, using nothing more than ropes and boards.

As it has been with UFOs, gaslighting the public about the origins of crop circles became yet another despicable mission that was successfully accomplished by counterintelligence specialists of the UK. Their names are Rob Irving, John Lundberg, Mark Pilkington, and Rod Dickinson who present themselves as members of an elite, counter-culture cadre of UK circle makers. Are any of these men still employed by the UK’s foreign intelligence agency MI6?

Observations and known facts about crop circles.

  1. To date approximately 7076 CCs have been documented (
  2. Most CCs are created at night in the dark.
  3. Most CCs have appeared in central UK but are a worldwide phenomenon.
  4. There is no correlation between moon phase (ambient moon light) and crop circle numbers.
  5. CCs are mostly presented for free (thousands).
  6. Several CCs have been created for product advertising and are deliberately created by humans. These are made obvious.
  7. Aside from these, most CCs (thousands) have been and still are created anonymously.
  8. Annual crop circle numbers are showing a steady decline. Only 20 recorded last summer.
  9. CCs have appeared in very rainy weather, yet no mud is seen in the areas of the crop laid down.
  10. Human crop circle makers would risk fine or imprisonment for trespass and vandalism.
  11. To my knowledge only 1 person (Matt Williams) has ever been arrested for creating a crop circle. He turned himself in to the authorities. Why?
  12. Some CCs show convincing evidence of time travel.
  13. Some CCs exhibit myriad morphological changes in their soil, stems, and seeds. Scientific study of CC plants and soils has been painstakingly accomplished by BLT (Burke, Levingood, Talbot) Research ( Shout out to Nancy Talbot for all of the thankless work she has done to enlighten the world about CCs!
  14. Some CCs convey messages in English depicted in ASCII binary code.
  15. Some CCs have shown scorched seed heads as well as winged insects welded to stems and seed heads.
  16. Multiple people have reported drained cell phone batteries and camera batteries soon after entering a CC.
  17. Balls of light (BOL) traveling fast have been filmed in the vicinity of and within CCs. In one instance two BOLs were filmed while creating the Oliver’s Castle CC. Shout out to Steve Alexander for making his film of a CC BOL available to the public!
  18. CCs have included information about esoteric mathematical formulas, diatonic musical scales, crystallography, and renewable energy.

Even with UFO Disclosure at hand, most people are still not giving crop circles their attention.

Below is shown an example of an actual crop circle that cannot have a terrestrial (present-day human) explanation for its creation. This is one of a small subset of crop circles that we can suspect have been sent to us from The Others.

White Sheet Hill

White Sheet Hill crop circle discovered June 25, 2010

In this book

you can read an in-depth analysis of six crop circles that will help you understand why White Sheet Hill and several other crop circles are gifts to mankind sent to us from The Others. This is all explained in pages 303 -422 of the book and gives you an idea of why I cannot present all of these analyses here. Proceeds from the sale of the book support the JAML, the work of Temporary Temples created by Steve and Karen Alexander, and the International Campaign to Abolish Nuclear Weapons.

The book is replete with hyperlinks embedded in the text, therefore the e-book format, which is less expensive and has much less impact on the environment, is highly recommended. You can order the book HERE.

Thanks for reading!