The Profound Implications of the Nazca Mummies.

Several comments have questioned linking the Nazca Mummies to the Crabwood crop circle of August 15, 2002 in one of the later slides in this presentation. The Crabwood crop circle appeared 14 years prior to the discovery of the NMs. It was never proven to be a hoax, despite false claims to the contrary. It displays an ET being offering the viewer a disc using 3 fingers. On close inspection, the three objects over the Crabwood alien’s right shoulder are shaped like lenticular UFOs – they link this being, the number 3, and UFOs. The disc displays a message encoded in binary code. In the coded message there are 1,208 “bits” of wheat either left standing (1) or laid down (0). These “bits” code for 151 ASCII characters (bytes) that create the 26 words of the disc’s message. The wheat left standing (1) or laid down (0) had to be done in perfect sequence to correctly spell out the message. Any insertion or deletion of a “bit” would corrupt the remainder of the message downstream. This didn’t happen, despite this crop circle being created in the darkness of night. It would require 20 hours of nonstop work, without errors, just to create the coded message in the disc at the rate of 1 “bit” per minute. However, the remainder of the image is expansive and also quite unique. The alien’s image is created using horizontal lines of varying width. To my knowledge, this technique has never been observed in a crop circle before or since this one appeared (>7000 crop circles). Finally, the remarkable facial similarity of the Crabwood alien to the NM “Sebastian” is obvious and unmistakable.

But that’s not all. To fully appreciate the multiple layers of complexity in the Crabwood crop circle, please watch David Flynn’s masterful (you will be amazed!) analysis of the Crabwood crop circle. Remember, all we need is one crop circle not made by humans to know that we are not alone. This is one.     

If the U.S. Department of Defense and Department and National Intelligence are smart, they will see how the Nazca Mummies can become their “get out of jail” card as they seek a rational narrative to justify their decades-long UFO/ET cover-up. Finally, the Nazca Mummies provide the definitive evidence they have been waiting for! If I ran the DoD, I would jump all over this.

About Dr. Richard O'Connor, M.D.

I am a retired anesthesiologist who worked closely with Dr. Jesse A. Marcel, Jr., M.D. at St. Peter's Hospital in Helena, MT. When Dr. Marcel told me of his experience as a first-hand eyewitness to the debris from a crashed UFO his father recovered near Roswell in 1947, I knew his story had to be true. Why? Because I am 100% certain that Dr. Marcel was never a liar.
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