It’s Called Counterintelligence for a Reason (and it’s directed at you!).

Definitions: AARO – the All-Domain Anomaly Resolution Office; DoD – Department of Defense; IC – Intelligence Community (eighteen separate US intelligence services); NHI – Non-human Intelligence (e.g. ETs/aliens); USG – United States Government; UAP – Unidentified Anomalous Phenomena; sUAS – standard Unmanned Aerial System (implied meaning = man-made drone)

The AARO’s March 6, 2024 Congressionally mandated historical report on “UAP”, displayed below, continues the practice of a faction of our USG/DoD filtering disinformation about UFOs into the brains of American citizens. The report is less than worthless. Its overarching message, prominently displayed in bold type in the Executive Summary and repeated several times throughout the report falsely states, “AARO found no evidence that any USG investigation, academic-sponsored research, or official review panel has confirmed that any sighting of a UAP represented extraterrestrial technology.” This is, literally, a boldface lie. The leadership of the AARO has heard plenty of testimony from people who know we are dealing with a technologically advanced non-human intelligence (NHI) that is engaging with our reality.

To read an extremely comprehensive and thoroughly damning critique of the AARO’s “Historical Report”, go to this article written by Christopher Mellon that was published in The Debrief on April 12, 2024.

In this interview, News Nation journalist Ross Coulthart kicks off his new program titled Reality Check with an interview of public interest attorney Daniel Sheehan. During this interview Mr. Sheehan states that he personally gave testimony, under oath, to Dr. Sean Kirkpatrick at the AARO detailing his firsthand experience in viewing a 1940s-era photo of a UFO crash retrieval involving US military personnel that he discovered while perusing the classified portion of Project Blue Book files. To watch the full interview, go HERE.

What does USN Rear Admiral Tim Gallaudet have to say about the AARO report?

As a rebuttal to the AARO’s claim that “there’s nothing of interest to see here”, the video below features the latest statements we have heard from US Navy Rear Admiral Tim Gallaudet (Ret.), previous Director of NOAA and now a member of The SOL Foundation‘s and Americans for Safe Aerospace‘s Advisory Boards. He has already spoken to the AARO and he told them what you hear in this video. (For brevity’s sake, these clips are taken from podcast The Big Thing hosted by Kristian Harloff. These clips omit any mention of Darcy Weirs’ documentary film Transmedium: Fastmovers and USOs which is available on Amazon Prime and several other media outlets. Please check it out!)

Echoing the claims of US intel officer David Grusch, Rear Admiral Gallaudet once again confirms the following:

  • Our civilization is experiencing contact with one or more higher, non-human intelligence(s) that we may discover are hiding in Earth’s oceans.
  • The USG has an active UFO crash retrieval program(s).
  • “Legacy programs” to reverse engineer captured UFOs do exist.
  • “The Schumer Amendment” is key to our elected representatives in Congress gaining full and unfettered access to known but classified information concerning captured and recovered UFOs stemming from this non-human intelligence (NHI).
  • Rear Admiral Gallaudet is willing to testify about this under oath before Congress.

We can applaud Rear Admiral Gallaudet’s candid statements as being UFO truth except for one when he states, “Frankly, the government still doesn’t know what they are.” Although the DoD/IC may not yet understand the physics behind how UFOs function, it is by now clearly known that UFOs are a means of physical transport used by the NHI controlling them to “get around”. This has been known since The Roswell UFO Incident of July of 1947 when a NHI craft was recovered by the US military – and has been lied about by the DoD ever since. Fortunately, and like Tim Gallaudet today, we had two honest and courageous individuals who told us the truth about the Roswell craft decades ago – Major Jesse A. Marcel, Sr. and his son, Dr. Jesse A. Marcel, Jr. Both of these men held in their hands and closely inspected the Roswell UFO crash debris which Marcel Sr. declared in 1978 was “not of this Earth.” Both of these men served their country with honor, and both were honest and courageous individuals. By now they have been thrown under the bus by their contemporaries currently occupying positions of “leadership” within the Pentagon so many times that the AARO’s newest report adds little to the damage already done to the reputations of these two men and the honorable service they gave to our country.

What have we previously heard from Dr. James Lacatski?

Dr. James T. Lacatski is an engineer who served from 2009 through 2012 as a Program Manager for the Advanced Aerospace Weapons Systems Applications Program (AAWSAP) under the Defense Intelligence Agency. On page 86 of the book Inside the U.S. Government Covert UFO Program: Initial Revelations, co-author James Lacatski writes, “He (Lacatski) stated that the United States is in possession of a craft of unknown origin and had successfully gained access to its interior.” Below, we hear Lacatski being asked about this during an interview with Jeremy Corbell and George Knapp on their podcast Weaponized.

Ross Coulthart’s conversation with Nat Kobitz.

In 2021, Australian journalist Ross Coulthart published the first edition of his book In Plain Sight. In that book and once again in this video interview, Coulthart tells of a telephone conversation he had with a dying man named Nat Kobitz. Mr. Kobitz had served as Director of Advanced Technology Development & Assessment, Director of Research & Development, and, Program Manager for Advanced Ships/Foreign Shipbuilding for the US Navy. During the phone call, Coulthart asked Kobitz if he “had ever been read into” any USG program tasked with reverse engineering a captured and recovered UFO of non-human origin. After a long pause, Kobitz replied, “Yes”. In follow up, Coulthart asked Kobitz how many non-human UFOs had been recovered and Kobitz replied, “Multiple.” Because Kobitz knew he was dying, he expressed to Coulthart his lack of concern for what might happen to him for revealing this classified information. This is a video of Coulthart relating this story:

US Navy F-18 Pilot Ryan Graves

US Navy F-18 fighter pilot Ryan Graves explains that non-hostile UFOs were seen off the coast of Virginia Beach and inside the boundaries of their restricted training area by multiple Navy pilots every day. This USN training area is ten miles off the Virginia coast, making it highly unlikely these are the standard “drones” we are familiar with. The objects are described as 5-15 feet in diameter with the shape of some being a dark cube within a clear sphere. The UFOs displayed velocities from zero to 0.8 Mach (e.g. not balloons) with loiter times of 13 hours (about 6 times the continuous operation period for an F-18). Graves rightfully acknowledges these incidents create a serious “domain awareness” issue resulting in a now-known flight hazard for both military and commercial pilots. This issue, and to help remove the “UFO stigma”, is why Graves has created the organization Americans for Safe Aerospace.

Two additional video critiques of the AARO Historical Report are now found on YouTube, one by UFO historian Richard Dolan and another by SUNY Albany professor of physics Dr. Kevin Knuth. Both are worthy of your time, and both make it clear that, among those who truly study UFOs, the AARO report is a mockery of UFO history on a level we might expect from a junior high school student, certainly not a PhD scientist like “Dr.” Sean Kirkpatrick.

So, about the recent Joint Chief’s GENADMIN document…

A recent FOIA request submitted by investigative journalist Douglas Dean Johnson has resulted in his securing the following document. It is recommended that you download and parse the wording of this document carefully.

Focusing on selected portions of this document leads to some interesting and even alarming insights:

  • 3.A.1.The document details the reporting requirements for “all UAP incidents, incursions, and engagements”. This implies the US military is confronting UFOs and their operators using military aggression.
  • 3.A.5. “AARO coordinates across the US Government to identify the appropriate agency to assist in the shipping, transferring, receiving, storing, examining, etc., of material and data associated with the UAP incident.” Would AARO be assigned these duties if the “drones”, “UAPs”, “UASs” being encountered and engaged with are the common, off-the-shelf drones are widely available? How does the military “engage” with an off-the-shelf “drone”?
  • 3.B.1.A. SPACEBORNE UAP are sources of anomalous detections above the Karman line. Vehicles depending on aerodynamic lift cannot perform above the Karman line (>100 km above sea level). Therefore, a “Spaceborne UAP” could not be a conventional “drone” yet, apparently, “spaceborne UAP” are being detected.
  • 3.B.5. A UAP INTEROGATION is the elicitation of UAP location, capabilities, characteristics, and/or intent using passive and/or active sensing capabilities – including but not limited to electro-optical imagery, infrared/thermal, radiofrequency/radar, light/laser/lidar/ladar (for precision velocity and direction tracking), electromagnetic, gravitational, and radioactive means. This paragraph gives us a strong indicator that the “drones” invading these sensitive areas are not standard, off-the shelf equipment. “Drones” do not produce detectable gravitational waves, nor would the largest commercial jet. This leaves little doubt that the US is confronting anti-gravity vehicles (UFOs) that could produce a detectable gravitational disturbance and/or simply demonstrate a directly observable anti-gravity capability (hovering silently) due to an absence of motion and any aerodynamic features/airfoils. This fits the description of a classic NHI UFO.
  • 3.B.8. A UAP THREAT is a force-protection or national security risk to persons, materiel, or information by UAP that demonstrate hostile intent.
  • The document makes a clear distinction between “sUAS” (standard Unmanned Aerial Systems = man-made drones) and anomalous “UAP” (UFOs) and expresses little interest in sUASs.
  • “The potentially ubiquitous presence of UAP defines the national security implications of those anomalies which range from operational hazards and threats to technological and intelligence surprise to adversaries’ miscalculations.” This word, “miscalculations”, likely alludes to the possibility of a resulting nuclear war due to misidentification of UFOs that could be mistaken for a launch of nuclear missiles. Presently, the President has 15 minutes to consider all factors and make a decision. The nuclear doctrine of “mutually assured destruction” (MAD) is defunct in the face of thousands of UFO intrusions over sensitive US airspace and installations.
  • 3.C.1. “Details of UAP-related health incidents (e.g. physiological, psychological effects and whether persistent or transitory)… What physiological or psychological effects would a standard “drone” cause or elicit? This makes no sense if the DoD is dealing with conventional “drones”.
  • P. 5, Line 5.A. UAP ANOMALOUS CHARACTERISTICS/BEHAVIORS (e.g. no apparent control surfaces, extreme acceleration/direction change, detection by certain sensors but not others.) These characteristics of “flying discs” were listed in “The Twining Memo” of 1947! They are still here, and they are now confronting our military, according to General Guillot, by the thousands.
  • This document features phrases like “mitigation”, “destroy”, and “material exploitation”, a strong indication that the US military is taking a belligerent posture toward these “drones”.

Who else has told us “We are not alone”?

Among Presidents, Barak Obama came closest to telling us the truth about UFOs in 2021 when he stated,” “What is true, and I’m actually being serious here, is that there are, there’s footage and records of objects in the skies, that we don’t know exactly what they are. We can’t explain how they moved, their trajectory. They did not have an easily explainable pattern. And so, you know, I think that people still take seriously trying to investigate and figure out what that is.”

The list of other credible individuals who have either told us or strongly hinted that “we are not alone” is long and still growing. Some of the better known include Major Jesse Marcel, Sr., Dr. Jesse Marcel, Jr., Apollo astronaut Dr. Edgar Mitchell, Mercury astronaut Gordon Cooper, British Admiral Lord Hill Norton, AZ Governor Fife Symington, Col. Phillip Corso, Sgt. Dan Sherman (Above Black – communicated with 2 different alien beings), Luis Elizondo, Capt. Robert Salas, Capt. David Schindele, USAF Staff Sgt. Mario Woods, USN fighter pilot David Fravor, Stanford Professor Dr. Garry Nolan, US intel officer David Grusch, 1st Lt. Walter Haut, CIA Intel Officer Jim Semivan, Sgt. James Penniston, Sgt. John Burroughs, Capt. Charles Halt, Director of National Intelligence John Ratcliff, USN pilot Alex Dietrich, Betty and Barney Hill, Capt. Wendell Stevens, Maurice Chatelain of NASA, Paul Hill of NASA, and many more.

Is the USG in an undeclared “war” with aliens, unbeknownst to Congress and the American people?

Throughout December 2023, we are told “mystery drones” swarmed the highly restricted airspace over Langley-Eustis AFB for weeks. The “drones” varied in size and configuration, and none were perceived to act in a hostile manner. Langley-Eustis AFB is the USAF base primarily responsible for protecting the White House, the Pentagon, and the US Capitol. Note: the distance between Langley -Eustis AFB and US Naval Air Station Oceana where UFOs were being encountered every day by US Navy pilots is 41 miles!

Another incident, this time over the ocean.

And three others out over the ocean. If these are “drones” as we are led to believe, how do they get way out over the ocean and where are they launched from?:

More than a year ago, Senator Marco Rubio posted this tweet on X/Twitter”:

Update 4/21/2024: An article from The Hill has been published today that also questions whether “drones” is the appropriate descriptor for the objects (UFOs) being repeatedly witnessed near sensitive U.S. military installations and assets, including nuclear weapons sites. You can find that HERE.

The Pentagon’s wordsmithery

We have experienced a confusing change in the words and acronyms the DoD/IC uses to refer to unidentified airborne objects or phenomena. In the minds of most people today, “UFO” still means a non-human (alien) spacecraft. The gatekeepers of the UFO cover-up rightfully understand that the term “UFO” represents a historical trap from which there will be no escape. To avoid that trap, they moved away from the term “UFO” to “UAP”. The term “UAP” leaves them more wiggle room because, when labeled as a “UAP”, a detected airborne object can encompass a broad range of possible explanations. We have been re-trained to accept the idea that resolving the identity of a “UAP” down to one final explanation, especially one invoking a NHI, is a daunting if not impossible task. The AARO report acknowledges that UAP are real, but falsely states that none are extraterrestrial UFOs stemming from a NHI.

Having successfully completed the re-training of the news media and the public to use the acronym UAP rather than UFO, now and for the past year or so, we are now encountering the insidious introduction of the words “drones” and, even more recently “UAS” (Unmanned Aerial Systems) in lieu of using either of the terms UAP or UFO. In the public’s mind we all know what a drone is. A drone is some variation of a man-made quadcopter or else an unmanned, fly-by-wire military aircraft used for aerial surveillance or enemy attack, right? Using the words “drone” or “UAS” leads us to believe that the aerial object is man-made and effectively masks the possibility that the object(s) of interest might be a craft of non-human origin.

Listen to this March 14 open Congressional hearing with USAF General Guillot when he says the number of these aerial incursions by “drones” or “UAS” over Langley-Eustis AFB has “outstripped the organizational framework that we have to address it.” Are these simply drones, or are they something else entirely – like UFOs?

By now it is apparent that the NHI behind UFOs that is here seems to be creating mounting pressure on the US military. It is possible this may be an effort by the NHI to force UFO Disclosure. Rather than engage in war with the US military, perhaps the NHI prefers to let Earth’s people decide on what direction our human family’s relationship with their race(s) should take? By engaging in these increasingly confrontational encounters with our US military, the NHI is cultivating conditions under which the DoD will, at some point, have to admit that it is bumping up against a superior technology it is not equipped to deal with. We are left wondering whether any of these Senators or even General Guillot himself have been fully informed about the NHI presence and the strong possibility that many of the thousands of referenced “drone” or “UAS” incursions are technologically advanced UFOs stemming from the NHI? If not, that problem can be quickly rectified if the 40+ UFO whistleblowers will courageously step forward and deliver their firsthand testimony, under oath, in open hearings before a select committee of Congress.

What do you think “dealing with little green men” means?

In this speech before the Norwich College ROTC graduates in 2016, General Milley warned the new graduates that they would be “dealing with little green men“.

Certainly, our US military cannot simply ignore what may be thousands of sensitive airspace violations by the NHI. Doing so would create an obvious vulnerability to other US adversaries, leaving them an opportunity to take advantage of any DoD failure to react to the NHI behind many of these “drone” intrusions. Something is going to have to give.

AARO’s claim that “there’s nothing to see here” may be placing all of us in real and present danger.

General Guillot makes it clear the US military is carefully assessing these repeated “drone” intrusions into the airspace over militarily restricted land and sea areas and is formulating strategies to respond to them. General Guillot mentions the potential use of “non-kinetic” weapons to bring them down. A non-kinetic weapon implies the use of a laser or maser weapon platform which the US military has already developed. If any of these “drones” do belong to the NHI, then the successful use of such weapons to destroy their assets may precipitate an escalation in hostile confrontations between them and the US DoD. What that might mean for the rest of mankind is anybody’s guess. That their strong hints about the dangers of our nuclear weapons have gone completely unheeded may add additional fuel to that fire.

The U.S. government must end the UFO cover-up!

From the information provided above it becomes evident that the DoD/IC is reaching the bitter end of its ability to maintain the decades-long UFO cover-up. It is becoming increasingly obvious to citizens and to members of Congress that, for many decades, we have all been lied to about the real existence of the NHI behind the UFOs. New Paradigm Institute, founded by attorney Daniel Sheehan, is intent on exposing the false narratives, like the AARO’s latest report, that continues to be promulgated by the likes of Dr. Sean Kirkpatrick and the dwindling number of USG personnel who still support the UFO cover-up.

Nonetheless, based on the AARO report, it is clear that the DoD/IC are continuing to dig their hole of untruths deeper while they attempt to buy more time to reverse engineer recovered UFO craft and technologies that do not belong to them. It is not wild speculation to imagine that the mindset behind these efforts remains focused on furthering US “full-spectrum dominance” of the world, both militarily and economically. Meanwhile, we have two existential threats looming in our immediate present. It is possible, and I believe probable, that both can be solved or significantly mitigated in short order if recovered UFO technologies would be released to the world:

  • Global climate change. A single, 40 foot diameter UFO energy system has been conservatively estimated to produce >10 GW of power. See this PAPER.
  • The ever-growing threat of thermonuclear weapons. UFOs have been tracked by radar at 45,000 MPH or 750 MPM. At that velocity, a nuclear weapon could be delivered from the US to Russia in 7 minutes, and perhaps less. Such a capability would render nuclear weapons obsolete. The UN Treaty on the Prohibition of Nuclear Weapons would have to be signed by all nuclear-armed nations.

To continue to delay UFO Disclosure is not only a crime against humanity and this planet we depend on for our survival. It is a corruption of the U.S. separation of powers as specified in the US Constitution which undermines our democracy that the UFO cover-up gatekeepers so fervently believe they are defending. Listen to the former Minister of Defense of Canada Paul Hellyer close this post with the introductory statement he presented at the historic 2013 Citizen Hearing on Disclosure:

Please support New Paradigm Institute. Let’s get the UFO cover-up behind us!

About Dr. Richard O'Connor, M.D.

I am a retired anesthesiologist who worked closely with Dr. Jesse A. Marcel, Jr., M.D. at St. Peter's Hospital in Helena, MT. When Dr. Marcel told me of his experience as a first-hand eyewitness to the debris from a crashed UFO his father recovered near Roswell in 1947, I knew his story had to be true. Why? Because I am 100% certain that Dr. Marcel was never a liar.
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