This is a Battle for Truth!

First, let’s define a term we are going to talk about here.

National Security State: A post-WWII state in which nearly all aspects of political, economic, intellectual, and social life are dominated by considerations of national defense and the drive to maintain a defense establishment capable of protecting the state against all comers.

If you are an American citizen, a (shrinking) faction of the U.S. Government’s (USG) military counterintelligence apparatus has a target on your back. It’s been there your entire life. It was placed there in the interests of the U.S. national security state (NSS) in an effort to keep you confused and misinformed about non-human UFOs. That modern term for UFOs, that is “UAP”, is part of that strategy intended to steer you toward the idea that UFOs are a “phenomenon”; maybe weather, maybe atmospheric trash, maybe the technology of an Earth-based foreign adversary that is not yet fully known and understood. I won’t be using the term UAP. Here, I will use the term UFO and define them as machines of transport designed and operated by a non-human intelligence (NHI) that everyday citizens and military personnel have been encountering for many decades.

One way, and perhaps the only way to become free of your target is to advocate for full and transparent UFO Disclosure. Only with UFO Disclosure will the need for specific legislation become fully apparent, legislation with teeth, that will prohibit the USG’s NSS from ever again targeting U.S. citizens with propaganda intended to deceive our citizens for whatever the reason.

The latest iteration of such USG propaganda directed at Congress and U.S. citizens came to us on March 8, 2024, with the Pentagon’s All-Domain Anomaly Resolution Office’s (AARO)’s Congressionally mandated Report on the Historical Record of U.S. Government Involvement with Unidentified Anomalous Phenomena (UAP) Volume I , henceforth referred to as “HR1”. Don’t waste your time reading the report. There is little in it of value. Basically, this is what it says:

  • AARO found no evidence that any USG or foreign investigation, academic-sponsored research, or official review panel has confirmed that any sighting of a UFO represented extraterrestrial technology.
  • Every past report of a UFO encounter or close encounter with ET beings submitted by citizens, air traffic controllers, military personnel, military pilots, commercial pilots, or civilian pilots over the past +/- 80 years has likely been a case of “confirmation bias” or mistaken identification, either because humans are flawed observers and not to be trusted as witnesses, or because they were unaware of classified USG programs they mistook as ET technology.
  • “The Roswell Incident” of July 1947 was, as previously claimed by the DoD, a Project Mogul balloon along with crash test dummies.
  • Regarding the claims of intel officer David Grusch, AARO discovered no covert USG Special Access Programs (SAPs), nor any private aerospace companies involved in reverse engineering recovered ET craft or bodies and, therefore, such programs and/or recovered ET craft do not exist.
  • AARO was unable to discover any past non-disclosure agreements imposed on USG personnel that involved UFOs.
  • All UFO-related activities within the USG’s DoD, DoE, IC, DHS, etc. have, with due diligence, been faithfully and transparently communicated to Congress.
  • Surprisingly, AARO’s “historical report” to Congress features this passage: “Whoever, with intent or reason to believe that it is to be used to the injury of the United States or to the advantage of a foreign nation, communicates, delivers, or transmits…information relating to the national defense, shall be punished by death or by imprisonment for any term of years or for life….”. Italics and boldface type are as they appear in the HR1. This is a statement born of the national security state. The inclusion of this passage in AARO’s “historical report” seems completely out of context and appears to be included as a threat directed at any future UFO whistleblowers who, like David Grusch, may presently be considering contacting members of Congress about their insider knowledge of UFO-related SAPs they may be aware of. We are being told there are approximately forty such individuals. We will see.

Attorney Daniel Sheehan Fires Back at DoD and its AARO

In this open letter of rebuttal addressed to Dr. Sean Kirkpatrick and the AARO, attorney Daniel Sheehan offers firsthand evidence that strongly refutes AARO’s contention that a non-human UFO craft has never been recovered by the U.S. military.

Open Letter from Daniel Sheehan, President and General Counsel of the New Paradigm Institute – New Paradigm Institute

In this recent interview with journalist Ross Coulthart, Daniel Sheehan elaborates further on the legal implications of the numerous, deliberately misleading statements included in the AARO’s HR1 submitted to Congress. Every American citizen needs to listen to this. What you will hear in this video is the tip of an iceberg of deceit surrounding UFOs that has been inflicted on Congress and the American people by the NSS over the course of many decades.

Credulous: “having or showing too great a readiness to believe things.”

The U.S. Department of Defense (DoD) and its AARO, each a component of the NSS are, once again, depending on a credulous American public and our representatives in Congress to accept what is written in AARO’s specious HR1, just as happened after its publication of Project Blue Book’s 1969 Scientific Study of Unidentified Flying Objects, also known as “The Condon Report”. That report set back our understanding of UFOs and the Non-Human Intelligence (NHI) behind UFOs 50+ years. This, despite the fact that there were 701 cases in that study that featured detailed eyewitness descriptions of UFO events from credible people, yet these defied any prosaic explanation of what they might be. The DoD hopes that, with the help of a malleable and submissive mainstream media, HR1 will produce a similar result with Congress and the American public. This time we must show them they are wrong!

In Mr. Sheehan’s open letter to the AARO and in the above interview, he unequivocally states that he personally saw classified photos of a UFO crash retrieval and made that fact known, under oath, to Dr. Sean Kirkpatrick, then-Director of AARO. Intel officer David Grusch has testified before a Congressional subcommittee, under oath, his awareness that Special Access Program(s) (SAPs) do exist within the USG that are tasked with reverse engineering (~12) captured and recovered UFOs stemming from NHI. He stated they have the bodies of the UFO pilots. Retired Rear Admiral Tim Gallaudet, previous Director of NOAA, has backed up Grusch’s claims as true. In the book Inside the U.S. Government Covert UFO Program: Initial Revelations, previous Director of the DoD’s Advanced Aerospace Weapons Systems Application Program (AAWSAP) Dr. James Lacatski wrote, “He (Lacatski) stated that the United States was in possession of a craft of unknown origin and had successfully gained access to its interior.” During the podcast Weaponized, Lacatski’s AAWSAP co-researcher, Dr. Colm Kelleher, also plainly stated that the USG is in possession of UFO craft of NHI origin (begin listening at 1:16:00).

To the above I will add that, through my decades-long relationship with Dr. Jesse A. Marcel, Jr., M.D. as both a personal friend and a medical colleague, he told me, to my face, that both he and his father handled and closely inspected the debris resulting from the crash of a UFO that “was not of this Earth” and was of non-human origin. All of that debris material was handed over to the U.S. military in what has become known as “The Roswell Incident” of July 1947. Dr. Marcel was a man of high integrity. I state again, unequivocally, that the U.S. military has that Roswell UFO wreckage in its possession, it has had it for decades, and it has lied about this to Congress and to the American people in HR1. By now there is no doubt about this.

We can make this right if the public will support Daniel Sheehan, the New Paradigm Institute, and our representatives in Congress who have now become acutely aware of the DoD’s mendacious efforts to mislead Congress and the American public about the truth behind UFOs. That a subset of NSS DoD insiders is continuing on with this decades-long campaign to mislead Congress and misinform the public about UFOs has entered the domain of criminal conduct that can and should be prosecuted under the existing RICO (Racketeer Influenced and Corrupt Organizations) Act. The UFO “truth embargo” is about to break, and these NSS deceivers must be brought to justice. It is not hyperbole to state that we are facing a Constitutional crisis being brought to a head with this new AARO report.

Confronting UFOs must be a responsibility equally shared by the DoD, IC, and all members of Congress!

At this point, what do you think would be a satisfactory resolution to our present NSS vs. UFO conundrum? It seems, at the very least, that the world must be informed that we are not alone, and we are experiencing contact with a non-human intelligence. If known, details concerning where they are from, what they want, how long they have been here, whether they are considered friend or foe, how many different races are known, why they have disabled our nuclear weapons, why they are abducting people, what influences they may have had on our world religions, and any agreements that have been made between our government and their representatives should be laid out on the table. Efforts to reverse engineer recovered NHI technologies and the past and present monies spent to accomplish this should be transparently revealed. Hard evidence, even photos, of recovered NHI hardware need not be displayed to the public if UFO Disclosure is presented by a comprehensive group of our national (including DoD and IC) leaders assembled in a formal manner in support of the presentation. Classified programs should remain just that, with the understanding that Congressional oversight of those programs will be strictly maintained with periodic inspections to ensure compliance.

Clearly, we are presently in a pitched battle with a faction of our own government for UFO truth. As responsible citizens, we can no longer remain silent about these ongoing and deliberate attempts by the NSS to placate and dissuade the public about UFOs and the NHI in contact with us. Crimes have been committed. Your right to immunity from USG/NSS propaganda has and is being violated day after day that the UFO cover-up is allowed to continue. With regard to UFOs and the NHI behind them, the separation of powers within our government has been usurped by the Executive Branch and presently stands far out of balance. In the background, our planet is burning, primarily due to our continuing use of fossil fuels for energy. Our oceans are dying for the same reason. The risk of a nuclear war destroying Earth’s biosphere and all we depend on for our very lives is rising every day. Billions if not trillions of U.S. taxpayer dollars are being spent on USG efforts to reverse engineer UFO technologies without Congressional oversight while a growing horde of disenfranchised and homeless Americans find shelter in tent camps and beg for assistance.

UFO technologies offer us a path toward solving all of these truly existential crises if we will raise our voices in protest, support New Paradigm Institute’s efforts, support all members of Congress who now understand the depth of this crisis and are willing to step forward and share the reins on UFOs and, above all, support new UFO whistleblowers who are ready to come forward to state their UFO truths. We must ensure that all reverse engineered UFO technologic discoveries will redound to a greater good that will benefit all of mankind as well as this planet upon which all life depends! Your support of New Paradigm Institute is greatly appreciated and will be fruitful!

About Dr. Richard O'Connor, M.D.

I am a retired anesthesiologist who worked closely with Dr. Jesse A. Marcel, Jr., M.D. at St. Peter's Hospital in Helena, MT. When Dr. Marcel told me of his experience as a first-hand eyewitness to the debris from a crashed UFO his father recovered near Roswell in 1947, I knew his story had to be true. Why? Because I am 100% certain that Dr. Marcel was never a liar.
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